
Terms and Conditions of Travel

These "Terms and Conditions of Travel" apply to all passengers travelling with Vikinghomes AS.
Package tours with Vikinghomes AS are subject to the Package Tours Act of 25 August 1995, 

as well as the General Terms and Conditions for Package Tours as agreed between 

the Norwegian Travel Association and the Consumer Ombudsman,

except where noted in these Terms and Conditions of Travel. 

Reprints of the General Terms and Conditions for Package Tours can be obtained from Vikinghomes AS, 

which is a member of the Tour Guarantee Fund.
Business travel is not covered by the Package Tours Act, cf. section 1-2.

General responsibility of Vikinghomes AS

All package tours arranged by Vikinghomes AS will be carried out as specified in 

the information on the website, or on printed information with details on the tours.
This goes for prices, times, and destinations, as well as for information
about included meals, tickets etc.
Still, Vikinghomes reserves the right to make deviations from these details in cases when 

circumstances outside of our control make it necessary.
This could be things like hotels closed on short notice, roadworks, changes in flight schedules, 

storms, or any type of force majeure. In such cases Vikinghomes AS will seek the best solutions 

for our guests, but is not responsible for any reduction in standard, loss of time, etc.

Travel insurance.

Vikinghomes requires all guests to have a valid travel insurance, also covering cancellation.

Customers’s responsibilities

Customers with special needs or handicaps should confer with us before booking, since certain 

parts of the trips require good walking ability.
Vikinghomes AS reserves the right to refuse bookings for any reason and at any time without 

disclosing the reasons for doing so.
Passengers are responsible for any expenses incurred if an entry permit is not granted by 

the destination country due to a lack of travel documents, passport or identification, etc. 

This includes expenses related to repatriation. All passengers over 18 years must present valid
passport. Those younger than 18 years may be included in their parents' passport.

The name on the passport must correspond with the name on the ticket. The passport 

must be valid for at least 6 months after the date when the trip is scheduled to start.


All bookings should be made in good time before departure. Bookings can be made on or through certain travel agencies and agents. 

The passenger's full name, birth date, address, nationality and telephone number must be provided. 

When booking several passengers, each passenger's full name, birth date and nationality must be provided.
For group bookings (10 customers or more) Vikinghomes AS must receive a complete passenger list, 

including birth dates and nationalities, within four weeks of departure, at the latest. 

The name of the group leader must be clearly stated when booking. Every booking is binding
and the person making the booking is responsible for paying for the entire booking.

Payment and prices

To confirm the booking the customer needs to make a payment of 20% of the total amount. 

The rest will be drawn off his credit card in two instalments. 

The first half of the rest will be drawn 90 days before the trip starts. 

The rest will be drawn 60 days before the trip starts. 

If the payment is not paid on time, Vikinghomes AS may cancel the reservation 

and keep the 20% which is already paid.
If booking takes place less than 60 days before arrival, the total sum is to be paid at once.

Everyone who books a stay through Vikinghomes AS must have a valid travel insurance.

Cooling-off period
After making the reservation, the customer has a 24 hour cooling-off period, 

in which he can revoke the whole amount paid. The cooling-off
period is only valid for the first payment, whether 20% or 100% has
been paid. There is no cooling-off period on rest payments and special offers.
A fee of 200 NIS will be deducted to cover our expenses.

Cancellation by customer

If a booking is cancelled more than 24 hours after it was booked, the 20% already paid, will not be refunded.
If a booking is cancelled more than 70 days before departure, and the total is already paid, 80% will be returned.
If a booking is cancelled less than 70 days before departure, and the total is already paid, 

nothing will be returned. 

However, the customer is free to sell or transfer the stay to others. Such transfer must take place
at least 30 days prior to departure, and a special transfer form must be filled in.

This is obtainable by contacting Vikinghomes AS. 

In most cases the airline companies demand a fee for changing names. This fee will have to be paid to 

Vikinghomes before the change is made. The size of such fee varies from case to case and can not be determined in advance.

Cancellation protection in case of illness.

Vikinghomes AS offers all passengers a voluntary cancellation protection for 500 € per person. 

The cancellation protection must be purchased together with the journey at the time of booking.
We would like to point out that a regular travel insurance will cover the same cancellation protection, 

and also has many other features that this protection does not offer. 

We strongly recommend travel insurance.

The cancellation protection gives the traveler the right to cancel the journey in the event of unexpected 

and serious illness, an injury, or death of the traveler, or members of his/her household or immediate family.

(Spouse/ cohabitant, sibling, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, sibling-in-law and child-in-law)

 which makes it impossible or inappropriate for the traveler to complete the trip. The right to cancel
also applies when the above-mentioned circumstances affect a member of the insured person’s personal group 

of travelling companions, and if it is unreasonable to expect that the trip be carried out without the
participation of the person in question.
Vikinghomes AS customer service (+47 45 90 83 28) must be informed about the cancellation 

before the departure. In order to retain one’s rights outside office hours one may also send an email to
In order to receive an answer from Vikinghomes AS regarding the cancellation protection, 

the traveler must send documentation of the reason for cancelling to Vikinghomes AS 

including either a doctor's certificate or a certificate from a public authority documenting the incident. 

This documentation must be sent not later than one week after the cancellation was made, 

and must include the booking number. The person travelling will then be entitled to reimbursement of the paid
amount for the cancelled journey, with a deduction of the amount paid for the cancellation protection.
If the person travelling has purchased a ticket where the price of the trip is based on one or more 

persons sharing a room, apartment or cabin, the cancellation protection will cover any extra charges that 

may arise as a result of the person travelling not being able to complete the trip. 

In such cases, Vikinghomes AS is entitled to move the other person(s) on the booking 

to a different and smaller accommodation than was originally booked.

Cancellation by Vikinghomes AS

Vikinghomes AS reserves the right to cancel the entire or parts of trip in the following cases:

- Less than 15 people signed on.

- In case of any of the tour leaders will be ill or incapacitated and no
replacement can be found in time.

- Cases when circumstances outside of our control make it necessary.
This could be things like hotels closed on short notice, roadworks,
storms, or any type of force majeure. In such cases Vikinghomes AS will seek the best solutions

for our guests, but are not responsible for any reduction in standard, loss of time, etc.

In case of such cancellation Vikinghomes AS will pay back to the customer what he has paid, 

or offer him a new trip is this is possible.

Force majeure

The customer has the right to cancel the trip if, in the last 14 days before
embarking on the trip, has taken place acts of war, natural disasters,
dangerous contagious diseases, or or events that may be seen as equal
to such, at, or near, the destination, or on the route, and there is reason
to believe that this will continue during the time of the trip.

In case of a cancellation on such grounds, the customer will reimbursed

for all his payments to Vikinghomes AS related to the trip in question.

This rule does not apply if the customer knew, or must have known,

about his reason for the cancellation.

Lost items

Personal belongings found after the trip will be kept for one year at our

office in Avaldsnes. However, Vikinghomes AS accepts no responsibility

for any such belongings. Vikinghomes AS holds no passports/bank

cards. These are sent to the police or bank, after first trying to contact

the owner. After one year, items of value will be transferred to

Haugaland og Sunnhordland police district and other items will be

disposed of or delivered to Fretex.


The trip is inadequate when it deviates from the prospect or the terms,

and this is not caused by the customer himself, his company, or his or

their actions.

Minor deviations are not considered inadequacies as long as they are of

a type that the customer has to expect.

Natural conditions and matters over which Vikinghomes AS has no

control, is not considered to be inadequacies.

The customer may ask that the inadequacies be corrected as long as

this can be done without unreasonable expense or inconvenience to

Vikinghomes AS. As long as the matter is taken care of, within

reasonable time, the customer may not demand a reduction of the price.

If inadequacies are not being taken care of, the customer may be

granted a reduction of the price.

Complaints and disputes.

If a customer believes there are inadequacies in the travel or service

provided by Vikinghomes AS they must immediately submit a complaint

to Vikinghomes AS, so that the inadequacy can, if possible, be dealt with


Any complaints or questions should be directed to Vikinghomes AS

customer service in writing, by e-mail to, or by

mail to:

Vikinghomes AS

P.O. box 189

4299 Avaldsnes


For unresolved matters, please contact Norsk ReiselivsForum, which is

the secretariat for the Passenger Complaint Handling Body (the body

that oversees air, bus, tram, subway, train and boat transport) and the

Package Travel Complaint Handling Body in Norway.

The e-mail address is

and the website is

This is every customers right according to Norwegian Law, and is the

second level of complaint. As long a a case is pending it can not be

brought any further in the court system.

Any further dispute and/or claim that arise shall be settled by action

against Vikinghomes AS

P.O. box 189

4299 Avaldsnes, in Haugaland Tingrett, which the parties shall accept as

the proper legal venue for the case. Disputes and claims will be subject

to Vikinghomes AS’s Terms and Conditions of Travel, and Norwegian
